How do Big Companies like Google Handle Big Data?

5 min readSep 17, 2020


A Low Level Design Approach using Hadoop

Google is the largest organization in the world and have an immense information base of the clients. With the extending cases of data breaches, Facebook is in the news for spilling there in excess of 10 million individual’s information. Google stores more user’s information much closer to its home location when contrasted with Facebook.

Google currently utilizes more than 20 petabytes of information for each day through a series of MapReduce operations spread over its entire network of applications. With these items/administrations and the uncountable number of information that accompanies it, how does an organization like Google approach utilizing and analyzing its data? On the off chance that we get a little metadata and keywords and go to Google with our inquiry, we discover that our answer lies in the usefulness of tons of workers.

Google and other organizations which produce huge amount of information, utilize cloud to store its information due to the face that the quantity of clients are consistently unstable, the information produced on a day’s scale is likewise unpredictable. Along Google doesn’t utilize in itself this kind of capacity to store the information.

Consider a sample Calculation:

A sample 1 GB of data capacity would cost 0.03$

then 20 Petabytes costs 0.03 * 20 * 1000 * 1000 =600000$

Almost 40000000.00 Rupees.

That is a lot of monetary resources.

Buying 20 PB of equipment ordinary is out of inquiry. Google needs a versatile information, and yet needs sturdy one.

How does an Organization like google Take care of this issue?

A Distributed File System is a method of putting away information and perusing across various workers, yet through a similar interface as getting to a neighborhood document. Google utilizes it’s own documented network GFS to take care of its concern of adaptability by consolidating the item based capacity, known as the Google File System.

Sample DFS Architecture. Source: Google Images

The Google File System(GFS) comprises of 3 layers:

· The Client — Handles demands for information from applications.

· The Master — It stores the metadata. For the most part, the names of information records and the area of their pieces.

· The chunk Server— Huge measures of information, are separated into lumps of hardly any hundred Mbs and put away across workers with reproductions for back up.

On the off chance that you get energized over considerations of how huge measure of information may spill out of one section to another, with numerous ace and slave machines, you may discover getting a brief look at how Google may deal with this and how Google shares millions and tones of data over a generally circulated network. You may comprehend this by perusing by this specific expression –

“A framework having an asset chief, and a majority of slaves, interconnected by an interchanges organization. To disseminate information, an ace established that an objective slave of the majority slaves requires information. The ace at that point produces a rundown of slaves from which to move information to the objective slave. The ace sends the rundown to the asset director. The asset is arranged to choose a source slave from the rundown dependent on accessible framework assets.”

Let’s take an example with the use case of Google search engine:

Google has ached to make a web crawler that has a similar outlook as a human, with the capacity to comprehend an expression and better decide the objective of a person’s inquiry question. Using semantics, Google has had the option to achieve this. To show signs of improvement understanding, investigate how the significance and relationship of words assume a job while looking through the web.

Where do the Search Results originate from ?


An assortment of pages put away to react to look through questions.


A different information base with the capacity to separate among words and expressions with various implications and discovering their relationship to one another.

User based Query inquiry :

It investigates the 2 parts of the expression.

1) Literal Search: web index searches for a counterpart for some of or the whole expression. The foundation of your search query is then found, analyzed and developed to discover better outcomes.

2) Semantic inquiry: these inquiries endeavor to comprehend the setting of an expression by breaking down the terms and language in the information diagram data set to legitimately answer an inquiry with explicit data.

Presently we should likewise consider how Google examines what your query means and how to show results dependent on the user:


At the point when you are marked Into Google. the site utilizes your record history and area to give precise outcomes.

2. Equivalent words

Words are perceived through a framework that breaks down petabytes of web reports and chronicled search information to decide their relationship to one another.

A mix of results from Google Index page and Knowledge Graph information bases are masterminded to give the most pertinent result to your inquiry question

At the point when a user enters an inquiry, web workers do the way toward collaborating with other worker types (for example record, spelling, promotion, and so forth.) and returning outcomes/serving results. Web workers are the ‘results-gathering’ workers. On a comparative note, Google has workers assigned to perform explicit undertakings –

1. Information Gathering Servers

Information gathering workers that convey bots to creep the web.

2. List Servers

Google’s list workers that contain the rundown of archive IDs that contain the client’s inquiry.

3. Record Servers

Record workers store the report rendition of site page content spared as JPEG documents, PDF records, and then some.

4. Advertisement Servers

Advertisement workers that oversee promotions on the list items pages.

5. Spelling Servers

In the event that you have ever looked for something in Google and the outcomes concocted the expression, “Did you mean correctspelling,” realize that a spelling worker was grinding away.

Source: Google Images

Presently as Google utilizes shared figuring to fulfill their clients needs. In excess of 1,000 PCs are associated with noting each question. Indeed, the most mainstream open hotspot for conveyed figuring framework is Apache Hadoop. Which is essentially called Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) intended to run on ware equipment. Hadoop has a compound yearly development pace of 58% and will outperform $1 billion by 2020.

What is Hadoop?

Source: Google Images

Apache Hadoop is an assortment programming utilities that encourage utilizing an organization of numerous PCs to take care of issues including enormous measures of information and calculation. It gives a product structure to Distributed Storage and handling of Big Data utilizing the MapReduce programming model. Hadoop was initially intended for PC bunches worked from product equipment.



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